Me, Roxy, I create diaper arrangements, pinatas and now cakes to celebrate all those precious moments ... ! --- --- 514.966.7741

Moi, Roxy, je crée pour vous des arrangements de couches, des pinatas et maintenant des gateaux pour souligner tous ces moments précieux ... ! --- --- 514.966.7741

Hi all ! To see all my pictures please check out my facebook page at or link
You like what you see ? Hit the like button ! Thanks !

Allo à tous ! Pour voir toutes mes photos, s.v.p. visitez ma page facebook au ou suivez le lien
Vous aimez ce que vous y voyez ? Cliquez sur like ! Merci !

Event Planner

After my second daughter was born, I began to make notes of all the parties where I had been part of making them unique and unforgettable. So I made a decision to bring all these experiences and ideas to more than just my close friends and family and make them available to everyone.

Hospitality has been part of my life for many years and I have been surrounded at all times by hard working, endless creative individuals that strive only please our guest. I look forward to providing you with a wide range of wonderful ideas to make your party, event, or other gathering a memorable one.

I have no paper stock no item numbers to choose from or patterns that are competitively available with other vendors. My concept is that you tell me a little about what you always wanted and I will design and produce it to surpass your hopes and expectations. This is what makes our product unique and so enjoyable. No two events are alike.